TSA Commits to Action on CrewPASS

True to a commitment made at the March 2 meeting, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) today officially informed ALPA and ARINC that the agency has extended the CrewPASS program to July 17, 2009, and “strongly supports your efforts to begin testing the biometric element of CrewPASS.” The agency also stated that it is “committed to partnering with ALPA on the proposal to expand CrewPASS to other locations across the system,” in compliance with future standards. ALPA is cautiously optimistic that some light may now be visible at the end of the CrewPASS tunnel.

On March 2, ALPA strongly urged the TSA, to take expedited action on CrewPASS before a potential March 17, 2009 end-of-the-current-demonstration program. TSA had not formally endorsed adding a biometric capability to this program as it informed ALPA that it would do last November. Joining ALPA in sending the recommendations to the TSA was ARINC, the CrewPASS contractor. Together we called on the agency to: